The Tainted Love Hunt, hosted by Woeful Wednesday, is a hunt for the darker side of the Second Life Valentine Soul - not the hearts and flowers and chocolates, sort, but rather the bleeding hearts, headless flowers, and ...well, chocolates still apply for this sort. It has Sixty One stops, which makes it manageable, and there is a hint page with SLurls for the stores, so if you get stuck you can move on. There are also sometimes men's and women's prizes, and I'll be dragging along a long-suffering male alt for the purpose of showing off the guy stuff in style. You're looking for a three dimensional heart (pictured above) and I'm planning on showing the prizes in sets of twenty so that I don't completely overwhelm myself.
Stops 1 to 20 -- Stops 21 to 40 -- Stops 41 to 61
Wearable/Rezzable stalker bush and binoculars, bloodshot eyes and bloody tears, broken heart emitter
43. ~*Souzou Eien*~
What a lovely day at the beach.
Poison vials and a note
45. Venomous Rage Designs (4 hearts)
1) My eyes hurt…..The Sun…. Its too Bright….
2) I know thousands of languages, many more retorts, I am the source of your wit, and the king of your voice. But betray me in anyway and I’ll make sure you’ll never speak again. Who am I?
3) Red Light, Green Light, Stop & Go. Are they on or are they off, You’ll never know.
Cupid's Hammer; Love Chest Piercings;
Women's: Cleanup on Aisle 4 Men's: Eternal; Women's: Blutigen Vixion
46. MiChiGaNs ShAcK
Tired Eyes Cosmetics
50. Kabuki Creations
Sneaking up behind you and giving you a firm spank on your tush while you are cooking.
Couples Pose "Seduction"
51. Squeek!
Some things are sour, some things are sweet, some things are sticky, and you shouldn’t eat them if you are picky.
Poison Bottle Wearable / Rezzable
52. Belle’s Cabinet of Curiosities
These toxic beauties are heart stoppers.
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