Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday Meme: Second Life Haiku

Where Am I?

Strawberry has something new for us today - a Second Life Haiku Challenge which encourages us not only to be creative, but also to try to sum up an entire Second Life in a few syllables. This is a very difficult task; what I do varies so widely, so completely, and is so divorced from the nature around me, that it's difficult to meld Second Life with Haiku, which I think of as very natural, nature-driven poetry. Traditional Haiku was seasonal, and also always included some sort of punctuation. Matsuo Bashō, is one of the most highly regarded poets, from a time when haiku was a competitive sport of wit and style, more similar to modern rap or spoken word than how poetry is treated in classes as something read and contemplated over time. Here are a few of my favorites of his:

A caterpillar,
this deep in fall--
still not a butterfly.

A bee
staggers out
of the peony.

Beginning to Lose Hope

A cicada shell;
it sang itself
utterly away.

A field of cotton--
as if the moon
had flowered.

In Haiku, it's the unspoken context which gives as much to the meaning as anything else - the caterpillar's loss of transformation, the drunken bee, even the cicada which vanished exist beyond the poem and live in my imagination like a song. There is no way I will even approach his skill, I have neither the practice nor the talent, but I'll give it a try.

I explore and change
and make with the pretty view --
Profane and profound.


( More pictures here. )


Skin: De La Soul, Candace (promotional item)
Eyes: De La Soul, Rainbow (promotional item)
Ears: Illusions, Seelie Ears
Eyelashes 1: SLink, Mesh Lashes
Eyelashes 2: Flugeln Brise, 05-A
Eyeshadow: White Widow, Asia
Hair: Analog Dog, Jenova (I Love RPing Event)
Wings: Fancy Fairy, Azarelle
Necklace: Lassitude & Ennui, Chunky Necklace
Dress: Leverocci, Faceted Patent Dress (FaMESHed)
Hands: SLink, Mesh Hands
Nails: Orc Inc, Glitterslash
Stockings: Vetra Messing Fashion, Sheer Stockings
Shoes: Leverocci, Satin Wrap Boots (FaMESHed)

Poses: Adorkable

Location: Lassitude & Ennui Main Store
Light Settings: Nacon's Nighty Fog
Water Settings: Glassy

Photographed by Deoridhe Quandry
Post processing: Cropping, only

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