Saturday, November 5, 2011

Twelve Months of Color

It's been an amazing year, a lot of colors. I've learned a lot, but not strayed form my essential goal of taking pictures in the wilds of Second Life and presenting them as taken, no photoshop - just cropping.

Catch the Wave Lady of the Lake Flirty Rainbow Swan Song
We're hunting WABBITS! Arabesque Tail End of the Mob Updraft Sunburn
Uplifting Butterflies Level Up! Outreach With the Frogs A Pane

I had an awful time trying to pick my fifteen favorite pictures, so I went instead with views - mostly. I ended up re-cropping a couple of them so I'd end up with a clear rectangle. Some of the highest viewed surprise me, or are not my favorites; others are ones I still really enjoy and like. I'm struck most of all by the sheer variety; some are subdued, others over-saturated; some are melancholy, others triumphant. In most of the highly viewed ones, I'm not actually looking out at anyone - which surprised me a lot. The clothing also varies a lot - from very scanty and skin revealing, to full coverage.

I'm on the fence about whether I'm going to pick up another challenge as I'm waiting for the Color Challenge Deux to begin in January; part of me will be grateful for not having a drive to post every week, and maybe turn some of that energy to clearing out my Promotional Folder. There are a few challenges going on which look fun, though - the alphabet one looks way too difficult, but there was an old prop challenge that looked fun. I also have some thoughts on doing group pictures, with me and my alts; doing some deliberately cultural pictures by hunting down traditional costumes from a lot of places (anyone know where I can get a dirndl?) and making shapes to match; I also have a vague thought of photographing my inventory to create an record and further sub-sort it for ease of finding what I'm looking for.

Looking back is a fantastic inspiration to look forward.

( More pictures here. )


  1. Stunning collage! I love your work and no matter you decide I cannot wait to see your future posts!

  2. i jumped in this challenge later... now i see new posts from everyone... i love the lady of the lake and sunburn is also superrrrrr. big compliment, bye bye nic

  3. Love your unique style and your interesting posts ... hoping to see you in round 2 as well :-)

  4. Thanks so much, Anichka! I've loved having your comments!

    Thanks so much, Nicandra! Hope you can tae part in the whole year next time! It's a total blast.

    Thanks Mayala! hoping to see you, too!

  5. What a beautiful collage! Your colors seem to flow together so well. Periwinkle is my definite fave. :)

  6. I was surprisingly happy with periwinkle. When I started I was kind of meh, but the pictures turned out better than expected!

    Thanks so much!
