Monday, January 19, 2015

The Whiskey Seems to be Working


Almost every day, there's something new to find at Nothing Endures but Change - Whiskey Monday's LEA sim where she leaves things up for all of us to take our own pictures. Usually I'm there at times she is not, sneaking into her detritus and posing with her walls, but today I happened to head there - expecting to find pylons over the ocean and actually finding a sandy landscape covered in scrub-grass and containing a single house, mid-tornado. A solitary Whiskey was lurking, and I snatched a couple of images while she wasn't looking.

Even if you aren't a photographer, this is a wonderful sim to try some self-expression! You can share those images in the Flickr group for the project, too, and see what other people have done.

The Whiskey Seems to be Working

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