Monday, January 23, 2012

Deos in a Box


The DeoLoli dress is finally for sale!!! I mentioned it in an older post, but it took a while to get the display pictures taken, and it's finally out! There's also a version as a gift in the De La Soul store group (I believe there's a group fee). I know I'm totally biased, since this dress was both inspired by me and named after me, but I really love it. It comes in a huge number of colors, so many Charlie's usual display wasn't big enough and there are a couple of colors leaning against the display, and is remarkably inexpensive for a dress that includes not only sculpted sleeves but also matching bloomers - only 350$L with the full fatpack at 3500$L (a significant savings, since there are fourteen colors included!). As a first foray into dresses, I have to admit to being blown out of the water by the combination of textures and prims; Charlie is really beginning to hit his stride in making clothing even while keeping up his skinmaking (and I hear rumors of mesh avatars in his future!).


This is the second time I've seen someone else literally inside of my shape, and I have to admit the effect is always a fascinating one - different from my other versions of Deoridhe (who all share a shape) because I know behind that form there is a not-me. Both Charlie and Azriel brought their own view of me into play when they took my shape, and I found that glimpse into the me-in-their-heads to be both flattering and fun. It's not often the version of you in someone else's head can stand in front of you - or even pose with you!

The Long View

( More pictures here. )


Dresses: De La Soul, LoliDeo (new release)
Skins: De La Soul
Hair (Deoridhe): Truth
Hair (Charlie): Exile
Shoes (Deoridhe): G Field
Shoes (Charlie): Lynx
Poses: Glitterati

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