Northern Trail ( Wonderous / Beguile )
Western Trail ( Spellbound / Astound )
Southern Trail ( Fascinate / Pizzazz )
Eastern Trail ( Enchant / Spectacular )
1. Dressage in SL: Olympic Horse Sports for the horse avatar in SL by H0neyHeart Resident. HUNT STOP - 6 PRIZES. Place for doing dressage and information about horses in Second Life.
2. DragOn Science by Vinhold Starbrook. HUNT STOP. Some kind of test chamber on the second floor - you have to wear a HUD to get there and need media on a prim to see what to do.
3. HHVET Victoriana by SnakeLady Melody. HUNT STOP. FREE GIFTS. Large building - the doorway is around the corner from your path. Information in the sim inside.
4. Blue Lotus Okiya portal to our world by Aryanna DeCuir. HUNT STOP. Doorway is on the opposite side from your path. Lovely enclosed Japanese garden.
5. Dare to Dream by Tori Landau. HUNT STOP. FREE GIFTS. Gated Garden - doorway is facing the doorway for Victoriana.
6. Crossroads – Transylvania by Night WOD/VTM by Ravenal Ashby.Large, gothic building - doorway is on the right edge.
7. The Art Of Thinking by Daruma Resident. Walls are phantom. Black on black labyrinth inside with white words.
8. GOHA; Today & Tomorrow by Ashlene McMinnar. FREE GIFTS. Hockey rink inside of snowscape.
9. Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Project by Loredana Loring. TON OF FREE GIFTS. HUNT STOP. Images of Kenyan women plus some inspirational quotes and a lovely, knitted tree (possibly a sacred Mae tree?) in the middle of a courtyard.
10. Confederation of Democratic Simulators by patroklus murakami. HUNT STOP. Banks of buildings with two floors.
11. The Bubble by Sunshine / Yellow Core.Large bubble full of pictures.
12. THE TREE OF LIFE by Caro Fayray. HUNT STOP. Art exhibit.
13. SL11B - Sluniverse Community by Robert Jung. HUNT STOP. Pool party and information.
14. The Avilion Pavilion by Suzie Sewell. Click a sign for information and FREE STUFF.
15. Field of Dreams: Our Journey and Beyond by Landon Edenbaum. HUNT STOP. Baseball diamond with pictures to one side.

16. Building for the future by Dimitri Mint. FREE GIFTS. Large blue building.
17. House of Dun by Vain Adder. HUNT STOP. Walk through the picture of a house front to reach the back.
18. Philomenaville Welcomes You to the New Century by Mistletoe Ethaniel. HUNT STOP. Displays about various things with examples and information.
19. Vernacular Visions by Indea Vaher. Folk and outsider art. Door on the opposite side from your path.
20. Ruca Tease Island by bonadea avedon. Island view with small cabana.
21. Noosphere by Attica Bekkers. Large, silver sphere with "zoo" on one side and pretty colors inside.
22. Creations Park ~ Creations for Parkinson’s by Barbie Alchemi. HUNT STOP. Move theater with video of person with Parkinsons helped by SL, and link to a hunt on their sim.
23. Second Life Spanish by Wilson Voight. Pyramid with information about scheduling and free classes.
24. The Sim Scouts – Creating Tomorrows Leaders Today by OliverRed. HUNT STOP. Camp Alanshee information.
25. An Adventure In Time and Space by April Kohl. Cakeland(?) information and muffin and cake puns.
26. Childhood Imagination by Matthew Querrien. Raised playground.
27. Whole-Brain Health by Lissena Wisdomseeker. HUNT STOP couldn't find prize. Click to enter - you get out by walking downstairs but there are lots of floors. Advertising about tasks available here and at their sim, including a "Community of Elders" for SL Residents older than fifty offline, a butterfly hunt for words of wisdom, and a Hero's Fortune spinner.
28. East River Community by Elisha Paklena. Information about the sims associated with the community.
29. The Grey School of Wizardry by Logan Porterfield. HUNT STOP. Entrance on the opposite side from your path. Symbolism hunt. "The Grey School of Wizardry teaches about real Magick." Does not seem to be an RP sim.
30. Deutsche Volkshochschule – vhs in virtueller Welt, by Chiria Celt. Information about various future opportunities across the grids in English and German.
31. A Dollhouse Dream by Monavie Voight. HUNT STOP. Small house with a lovely river in front of it. Front of it facing away from your path.
32. Mystic Empire of Life by eternalestrange. FREE GIFTS. The entire exterior is phantom; inside is food-based decorations on three levels with gifts on the second level.
33. Dreams: Still Lighting the Way by Kelyren Benoir. Large building with enormous, lighthouse style top. Advertizing for an ADHD Support Group on Tuesdays at 6PM SLT.
34. Plot 25 Yooma Mayo by yooma mayo. Art display from Chaotic Parade.
35. Pencil Dresses & How far they have come! by Alejandra Jumanya. HUNT STOP. Images of mesh pencil skirts.
36. Jenna McKlis’s new Concepts by mcklis70 Resident. HUNT STOP couldn't find prize. Series of rides and an observatory at a top level.
( More pictures here. )
Location: Beguile
Light Settings: AnaLutetia, AvatarOp whiter
Photographed by Deoridhe Quandry
Post processing: Cropping, only
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