Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I phail

Yes, I spectacularly managed to post ONCE for blogger challenge week... then not again.

I blame Bink.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Belated Blogger Challenge #1

Alicia Chenaux does a yearly blogger challenge - and this year... I shall try.

Today's Topic: Why did you become a blogger? How has it enriched your life?

I became a blogger to show off my pictures.

Getting dressed up and taking pretty pictures of how I look was one of my early second life hobbies. Self-aggrandizing, yes. Also enjoyable. One thing I'm a little sad about is that I much more rarely, now, do what I call "photoshoots," trying to highlight not only the amazing stuff I begged/borrowed/stole and if no other means bought along with placed I had found that I really liked.

I like trying to balance the two, to set them up so they fit together and yet set each other off.

As for how it's enriched my life... it really hasn't. I'm not a big time blogger, I have met more people through their blogs than through mine. ^.^

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Murphy is my Co-pilot

I submit a post for 2 365.

Wordpress goes down.


I think not!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Daily Shot: Caged!!!

Hopscotch released the cutest cage! It's so adorable.

Description: Deoridhe dressed in gold leaning forward in a gold cage on a cute little perch.

I'm wearing skin by Nomine, eyes by Tacky Star, hair by Magika, my usual Azarelle wings from Fancy Fairy, and an adorable outfit from WhoNose. And I'm in Hopsotch - new birdcage posing object! I didn't buy it, though. I know, I know, but I'm poor! I'm saving up for pretty skirts and trying to stretch my money. Plus, I'm at my prim limit at home; granted, my landlords are the most awesomest ever in the whole world, but that makes me want to not rez giant bird cages on the porch.

Description: Deoridhe hanging upside down inside the cage.

I do have my jar rezzed, though. I know it's odd for a faerie to have a jar - but I like it! And I recolored it all rainbow. Maybe if you're very good, I'll take a picture for you.