Friday, June 22, 2012

Happy Birthday, Second Life (Part 1)

I'm Absurdly Proud of Being Included

I'm absurdly happy to have my picture be one of the many around Rue's display. This is a picture I took ages ago, but remains one of my favorites - I loved the effect of the dark gray skin with the bright flashes of color. Somewhat ironically, I ended up pulling that hair out again briefly today, for a reason I may share in the future. The whole look was a departure from my usual style, and yet looking at it now I think I still look undefinably like myself - maybe it's the shape?

Starry Night

I have a new artist to hunt down when I have free time! This glorious creature makes 2D art you can sit in - something I'd been lamenting wanting for ages - and usually the art even moves~! It's a wonderful play on the 2D and 3D aspects of Second Life, adding in motion just to keep things interesting. I totally love it. She has a ton of pictures - more than I posed in, to be honest - and many of them equally charming and wonderful.

White on White

The white on white on white display led to me being very confused - and I have to admit I'm not entirely fond of builds where you can't see where you're going and it's easy to get lost. I loved the white on white effect, just not walking through some sort of same-colored maze. I did make it through without teleporting out in a huff, though - go me!

Escher in 3D

This build blew me away. I love Escher, I love fractals, and this take on the idea of metamorphosis (which is actually 3D - you can see hints of it on the sides) really made me happy. Pictures don't do it justice, seriously. I started at the HUB, which this was near, so it should be relatively easy to find. Remember to pause to let things rez!

( More pictures here. )

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